Our IMI Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Training 'Level 1' is a popular one-day awareness course specifically designed as an introduction to safe working practices, dangers surrounding and the precautions required to avoid potential injury when near Electric/Hybrid Vehicles.
Designed for 'non-technical' roles and personnel who may work around Electric Vehicles such as Managers, Parts Advisors, Sales and After sales Personnel, Valeters, Vehicle Dismantlers and Vehicle Damage Assessors.
This one day course will cover details such as the types of electric vehicles available, understanding the hazards around high voltage electrical systems and how to work safely around electric vehicles.
The course consists of a classroom presentation from one of our Technical Trainers and an online 'multiple choice' exam.
Priced at £170.00*, please call to make a booking*.
*prices shown are subject to VAT, includes light refreshments.