Course Booking Procedure:

Courses are booked via TEN Automotive. For information and to book training courses, contact us on 01553 764900

Pricing and Payment.

Training courses provided to candidates are priced accordingly. Arrangements for payment are to be made with TEN Automotive.

Cancellation Policy:

14 days notice                              = 100% refund

7-14 days notice                           = 50 %  refund

Less than 7 days notice                = 0% refund

Please note that any cancellations received within 7 days of the course commencement date will be subject to the full charge and no refund will be allowed.

If you wish to cancel a course booking, please inform us as soon as possible.

We reserve the right to cancel courses, when appropriate or for circumstances beyond our control. It will be our policy to offer alternative dates in the first instance. Where delegates are unable to take up this offer a full refund will be issued.

Entry Qualifications and Pre-Requisite Knowledge:

Always refer to the individual course overview to establish the prior requirements for each course. There are certain courses where attendance can not be permitted if the important qualifying conditions have not been met.

Further development of pre-course assessments is ongoing to assist in the accurate selection of relevant courses for delegates. Contact TEN Automotive on 01553 764900 for further information or assistance.

Re-Sit Procedure:

Please call TEN Automotive on 01553 764900 to arrange an examination re-sit.

It is the responsibility of each delegate to inform TEN Automotive that you wish to take a re-sit. You must inform TEN Automotive of the following:

  • The number and title of the course exam to be taken again

  • The number, title, venue (if applicable) and date of the course where the re-sit is to be taken.

  • We need this information at least 10 working days prior to the course date of the re-sit

Course and Assessment Content:

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, and TEN Automotive will use all reasonable endeavour to deliver courses in accordance with the descriptions laid out in this prospectus. However, we reserve the right to amend course and assessment content in line with technical and legislative requirements.

Personal incident and liability:

TEN Automotive cannot accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to personal belongings of delegates

Complaints & Appeals Policy

TEN - IMI - Complaints & Appeals Policy Issue 6